Tefilla Wings

My Smash Brothers stage called Tefilla Wings, is dedicated to my mother. The word tefilla is a liberal spelling and transliteration of the Hebrew word for prayer. My mother resides in a nursing home due to her dementia or Alzheimer’s, both of which are basically identicle, and neither of which can be faithfully diagnosed until after death with an autopsy, so we won’t know for sure until after she’s gone. She’s only 62, which is really young to be so far gone into this disease. She’s actually had it since she was about 45, which is crazy young to have this.

Coming from a Christian family, of people who know the power of prayer and of God, you’d think that we’d all be expecting her to be healed. Unfortunately I am probably the only one who still believes that hope is not lost for her.

If you’re wondering how I could still have faith, well that’s a perfectly valid question, but the answer is made up of several parts. First of all, I have several prophetic dreams and supernatural experiences where God has proven how faithful He is, so my faith remains; not because of my own abilities or strength, but because of God’s Grace to personally show me just how faithful He is. Jesus did not perform any miracles where there was no faith present, even in His hometown of Nazareth, they did not believe, so He did very few works there, and the few that were done were done before faithful eyes, and far from the faithless. So you can probably see why my family’s lack of faith is so frustrating to me. I want my mother back.

To hear about some of the more brief stories of my own experiences, read the following links. These are all my own personal experiences and dreams.


The Spider Queen - http://d.hatena.ne.jp/nicholighkun/20150605/1433535260

Learning Hebrew - http://d.hatena.ne.jp/nicholighkun/20100526/1274906546

The Anointing - http://d.hatena.ne.jp/nicholighkun/20100105/1262710066

The Curse and the Temptation - http://d.hatena.ne.jp/nicholighkun/20100105/1262709422


Two Glasses - http://d.hatena.ne.jp/nicholighkun/20100526/1274906901

Deborah Beth-El - http://d.hatena.ne.jp/nicholighkun/20100130/1264899553

Honey Comb - http://d.hatena.ne.jp/nicholighkun/20100930/1285875362

Topical Grouping:

And here’s a link to a post called Topical Grouping that has links to each of my Biblically related writings, some more dreams and experiences, and loads of in depth doctrinal studies that I’ve done, just in case you’d like to learn more - http://d.hatena.ne.jp/nicholighkun/20120320/1332275332

So as you can see, God has been very active in my life. I don’t question His power, but the lack of faith in my family might be hindering my mother’s deliverance.

In the stage Tefilla Wings, the wings represent prayer. On the left you have the natural rock, representing God, on the right you have the broken masonry bridges representing man’s failed attempts to reach God. The bridge that successfully reaches from man to God is made of the same material that the prayer is made of, and this is intentional; it represents the role of Christ as the bridge between God and man, which is the very reason those who have bowed their knee to Christ as their Lord and Savior and who have also confessed such with their mouth, can also pray to God and be heard. The masonry lip that holds the left side of the bridge and is attached to the Rock also represents Christ since He was a man, which He had to be in order to pay for the sins of man. He is also God, because no man could live a sinless life. He had to be man to die for men; He had to be sinless to pay for the sins of others, or else he could only pay for His own; and he had to be God, because no man can live a sinless life, thereby atoning for all of mankind (those who accept his free gift that is).

This stage means a lot to me, and I just wanted to share its meaning, just in case it happens to encourage anyone else. If you have faith, then please pray for my mother and my family, that a strong faith would be grown in all of us. I want my mother back.

Thank you,


Here's the link to the original stage - https://miiverse.nintendo.net/posts/AYMHAAACAAADVHkOUZnNWQ

And the altered version - https://miiverse.nintendo.net/posts/AYMHAAACAAADVHkOX_ApcA