A very brief message

Tolerance: newly defined, "affirm me, or else I hate you for hating me, and you are intolerant, but I am not."

I don't have to affirm someone to tolerate them, and just because I don't waver on how God defines sin, doesn't mean that I hate you. And 2 + 2 doesn't = 5.

Christian, stop focusing on any one sin, because you are being bated to do so. Our role isn't that of morality police, it is that of Gospel messengers. Do you get angry and red faced when you hear someone gossiping, or a family member lying? Then why does the gay marriage thing offend you so bad? Maybe it's time to start looking in the mirror and comparing ourselves to the one who walked and talked with sinners, instead of burying our heads in the sand, or going on a rampage when sin gets a victory.

Or, you know, you could continue working harm if you really think it's best.