Evil sneakers

some Saturday night P.D. (past dream, i.e. undated) 04 "Evil sneakers"

I was one, in a room full of people. We were taking turns playing a Kirby video game, although it played nothing
like an actual Kirby game. I seemed to be the only one who enjoyed watching others play, as much as I enjoyed my times
to play. The comradery was enough for me. Some of the others were complaining about the length of the wait between

All of a sudden there was someone at the door. It was a delivery. A massive cardboard box. We opened the
box right away, and found our team sneakers. This was the first time I realized that we were all a team. Every one quickly
put them on. They all marveled at how cool the shoes looked, how comfortable they were, and how fast they could run in
them. I was the only one who decided to actualy look at them first. They were a very atractive grey blue, with red writing
on each side of the shoe. On the outside of the shoe was written 'abomination,' and on the inside was written 'Satan.'
After I read the shoe, I began to contemplate what it meant, and then the dream was over.

The next day

The next day, Sunday, while at lunch with friends, someone quoted an innocent line from an inappropriate movie,
to a child. The Holy Spirit began to move and I saw the dream and the quote, with a spotlight on both of them. I couldn't
figure out the connection until I was alone later on, and I quoted a movie to myself. The meaning of the dream hit me like
a ton of bricks, I realized that when we quote something we are endorsing it, and that the little ones around us pick up on
the things that we endorse, like a finely tuned radar. If a child hears you quote something, no matter how innocent the
quote itself may be, and then they stumble onto the source material one day, then all the filth of that movie, or game or
whatever it is, is going to get an instant free pass into their consciense. All because a child looks up to you, and trusts
your judgement.