Division in the USA: a Chick-Fil-A story

I've finally decided to weigh in on this Chick-fil-a controversy.

Dear Mr. and Mrs. anti-Chick-fil-a, all Mr. Cathy did was state his opinion that he ***OPPOSES*** gay ***MARRIAGE***, so leftists; please stop saying that he ***HATES*** gay ***PEOPLE***. Why is no one being attacked by the media or petitioned against for actively attempting to damage an enterprise, and the livelyhood of all of it's employees because of a personal opinion of high ranking employee. How do these media and individual bullies not see their ***OWN*** bigotry? Can a person still have an opinion in this country without it being labeled a hate crime? And please don't protest them because of the organizations that CFA's money goes to support, calling them hate groups. We all know that those groups do not hate, or practice unlawful tactics in their workings. If the groups that CFA funds are hate groups then planned parenthood is the mafia and Nazi Germany rolled into one, comparitively speaking. (See the following link for an extensive rebutle to the claim of hate group funding using the lost art of ***FACT FINDING***. http://d.hatena.ne.jp/nicholighkun/20120803/1344016354 ). Quite frankly the controversy itself is an outrage. A nation of kettle's calling the pots black, while the pupeteer's are rubbing their mits together, waiting for their plans of US division to succeed. All of this is simply being used as a platform for the revision of the definition of marriage; just like a bloody massacre is being used to take away your 2nd amendment rights before the bodies of the victims were even cold. If you're actively ***FIGHTING*** on either side of the CFA issue, then the "powers that be" are getting exactly what they want from you, a division that they can use to villify the right, while deifying the left's "tolerance and acceptance" (how do you not see the hypocracy in that?). Is it tolerance when you damage the lively hood of countless ***EMPLOYEES*** in your fight against CFA because of it's ***OWNERS*** opinion? Is it tolerance when you change the phrase "opposes gay marriage" into "hates gay people"? Bottom line, let people have their opinion without calling for a lynch mob, unless you ***WANT*** to become the intolerant phantom bully that you protest so often in your life.

Dear fellow Christian, there are villains on both sides of this controversy, and I don't think that can be easily denied or overlooked. So to the "Christian" side of the argument, those who feel that Grace is only for those who "keep the law" of God, read this - http://d.hatena.ne.jp/nicholighkun/ - It's important that the world knows of the coming judgment, Acts 24:25, but if you don't speak of Grace and God's ***FREE*** redemption to those who ***BELIEVE*** on Christ (not to those who keep the law, which is impossible), then you've done more harm than good. If all you can say is "Being gay is a sin!!" then keep it to yourself and be ashamed for your lack of knowledge of God and salvation. Same sex, sex is most certainly a sin, and I won't waver on that, but so are lying, stealing, murder (which is unjust anger of the heart), adultery (which is lust of the heart), and idolatry (which is covetousness). Did you wipe your own slate clean before you could be seen as righteous before God? If so, then you're hellbound my friend, because that is an impossibility for any of us. We are righteous when we believe God, i.e. believe on His Son Jesus Christ and believe His Word; we are not righteous by keeping the law, again read the link above for an in depth ***BIBLICAL*** look into that subject. Bottom line for the Christian, the bad news reveals the need for the good news. If you are incapable of giving ***BOTH*** the bad news and the good news, then you're not qualified to give either one, and you need to go learn more before you verbally bash anyone publicly. Spoiler alert, if you study the Bible, you won't be bashing anyone: publicly or privately. ; D