Help! My _______ is an alcoholic/drug user/dealer!

The following is a Biblical help for anyone who may have a loved one who is using or addicted to alcohol or drugs. Thanks to username !Amazing! id: nobuddylovespie Command search >>What to do, and what not to do:

A condescending attitude DOES NOT work AT ALL. Telling them that what they’re doing is wrong, is something that they either already know, or truly do not believe, and calling them out on it will almost definately increase the hardness of their heart. A great majority of those who drink and use, do so to fill an emotional need. Usually it starts out being just a good time, but if there is an emotional void in someone, eventually the substances will take on the role of a band-aid for those wounds, and usually the person won’t even be aware of that change, and will likely resent the idea that they are self medicating.

What you need to do:

(A) Listen to the Holy Spirit. He can give you specific advice about your loved one, and ways to deal with their issues.

(B) Love them unconditionally: No matter what happens (i.e. if they get arrested, divorced, or they o.d.) you need to love them. Getting angry will likely only harden their heart, and cause them to “shut the door” on you. If you are feeling hurt, don’t be afraid to show your emotions in love. If you are angry, it is possible that your anger could open the persons eyes to what they are doing to you, but brokeness and tears are much more effective. Be genuine, but be loving. I strongly recommend that you avoid anger of any kind. Listen to the Holy Spirit.

(C) Continue praying, and don't give up hope. Lot's of people almost die, or die and come back before they ever "come to the end of themselves"; which is to say, they become willing to accept Christ’s sacrifice for their sins, and stop blaming God for their failures (sins) and shortcomings.

(D) Don't let your faith in Christ be hindered by what happens to your loved ones, or because they seem unresponsive for a time. Many people with an addicted mom or dad grow well into adulthood before that parent ever comes around. Some people don't do so until right at the very end, and some never do. If (God forbid) your person is one of those who will never accept salvation or get clean, does that mean that God is evil, or that He doesn’t love them?

Carefully study the following, and commit it to memory:

(1) We receive what we ask in Jesus’ Name, John 14:13.

(1a) Because we keep His Commandments, I John 3:22.

(1b) If it is according to His Will, I John 5:14-15.

(1b-1) It is God’s Will that men be saved, Ezekiel 33:11, II Peter 3:9.

(2) No one comes to Salvation in the Son except the Father draws him, John 6:44.

(3) It is still up to the individual to decide, Revelation 3:20.

(4) Faith believes that God’s Word is true. If we have done all of the above, faith makes us sure that God has done His part, regardless of the persons willingness to accept Christ. Don’t let another person’s rejection of God; weaken your faith in God. Satan will try to convince you that God is not good/real because so-and-so isn’t saved or “fixed” even though you prayed for them. God does not force us into salvation and a relationship with Him.

You need to continue believing that God heard you and answered your prayer, regardless of whether or not you see a change. It may never happen, but it won't be because God did nothing, or because God doesn’t love the person, it will be because the person you are praying for didn't respond to Him (provided that you took the necessary steps). If your faith in God hinges on whether or not things are going great, then what happens if no change ever happens in the person you are praying for? Make sure that your faith is genuine first. If you need help seeing that the Bible truely is the Word of God, please add the following to your favorites on your web browser, and read them, and study them carefully.

Bible Codes 2.0 Part I -
Part II -
Part III -

And the following flips “Jesus Messiah” (which is a look at 48 of the over 300 prophecies that Jesus fulfilled. This gives the Scripture where the prophecy can be found, and the place where it was fulfilled) –

And “Truth’s About Persecution” (this will help prepare you for trials and tribulation) –

If you would like to hear of my own personal prophetic dreams and experiences, please see the following Hatena diary entries. These will make you think twice about denying the existance of God. I plead with you to read some of these stories, and know that the same kind of relationship with your creator is available to you as well. I recommend all of them if you can find the time, but definately don't miss "Two glasses", "A new Bible", "Learning Hebrew", "Proverbs 25:6-7", "The anointing", "The curse and the temptation", and "Vacation prophecy". To see the complete list, click the Japanese writting under the small calander to the right of this page (they may be at the bottom of the page).

And constantly remind yourself of the Scriptures I've given in (1) - (4)
These are all peices to the same puzzle, so put them together in your mind, and treasure them. You may even want to write them down a few times.