Vacation prophecy


This week was my, practically, free vacation to Gulf Shores Alabama. It was my cousin's coat tails we were all riding on. Along with her and her two girls, were her dad (my uncle), her step mother, her step sister, and her little girl, and of course, me.

The first or second day of the trip, Sunday or Monday, my uncle was ministering to someone on the phone who had fallen on hard times. One of the Analogies that he used was the story of Jesus' desciples on the boat when the storm hit. Jesus was asleep, and the desciples woke him because they were scared. At which point Jesus rebuked the storm and it ceased. My uncle made the point that even if it feels like He is sleeping, (1) Jesus is still in the boat with us. This analogy was on my mind for the entirety of the trip, and I even used it while speaking to my cousins daughter.

On wednesday, my uncle had a meeting with some prophetic type people in Mobile Alabama, so I went along with him. I witnessed many things that were interesting to behold, like intense prophecy, coupled with speaking in tongues. Most of the things I saw, although the Lord varified the validity of them, (2) they did not appeal to me at all. One lady who sat next to me, softly whispered in tongues while we started the evening with prayer, and I immediately heard my uncle across the room, say the exact same thing in tongues. There was no way he heard her, because she was whispering so quietly, yet they both spoke the same thing, with less than a second between their words. Also, this was like a three word phrase, and was easily recognized as the exact same thing.

(3) Even though I wanted someone to prophecy over me, I didn't want to be the focus of the whole room. The Lord answered this prayer, when the main prophet of the group, Rex, took me aside into the hallway to prophesy over me, instead of doing it out in front of everyone.

Rex placed a fresh tape into his tape recorder, pressed record, and asked me to say my name. After I did that, he spoke quietly in tongues for a few seconds and began to prophesy. It is important to know that my parents are divorced and (4) I live with my dad. Also remember that Rex knows absolutely nothing about me.

Rex begins by saying that, in the Word, the Lord says many times that He is called to cross over a river, or a lake, which required Him to get in a boat and leave where He was. Rex said that this is a time in my life where I am crossing over in many areas, one being my manhood. He went on to say that I am coming out from under just being a son, (4)* and from being in my fathers house, and stepping into the responsibility that God has in store for me. Then Rex stated that (1)* He (Jesus) is in this boat with me. Rex also said that everything except the standard of Holyness that God requires is going to change, even the gifts of the spirit.

Rex went on to say that I was asking God why He is asking me to embrace (2)* a way of working in the gifts of the spirit that I can't see myself doing. He (God) said that there's no one to watch, to see how my work will be done, but that it will be developed from scratch, within me. He also told me that I will try many different ways of doing things until it finally gets perfected, and not to get discouraged because He (Jesus) is in the midst of that.

Then he prayed over me, removed the tape, and gave it to me.