Concerto De Trois (The Empty Tomb)

This post is in regards to my Smash Brothers 4 custom stage called Concerto de Trois, which means a concert of three in French, as most probably know. The Three in question is the Father, Son and Holy Ghost, and the concept is that their roles interact and intertwine in perfect concert with one another, weaving the tapestry of mankind’s history. The empty tomb of the Son, Jesus Christ is the centerpiece for this stage. Jesus’ name in Hebrew, Yeshuah, is scrolled under the tomb. Below is a link to the stage on miiverse.

Most people, including the majority of Christians don't know the Gospel message beyond the notion that Jesus died for their sins. They don't fully understand what that means, or how to share it sufficiently, so I wanted to share something that will hopefully paint a full and complete picture, to the best of my limited ability to do so.

Jesus is the Christ (Messiah), the Son of The Living God (Matthew 16:16-17), and faith in Him is the only means of eternal salvation and the only means of escaping eternal damnation. Man cannot be righteous by the standard of God’s law because man cannot keep God’s law (Romans 3:19-31, 9:31-32); God will only see one as righteous when they believe on Christ (Romans 3:22, Philippians 3:9), so that Christ’s Righteousness can be transferred to them (I Corinthians 1:30). Punishment for refusing the sacrifice of the Son of God is real (II Thessalonians 1:8-9, Revelation 14:11). The lake of fire was made for the devil and his angels, not for us, (Matthew 25:41), God takes no pleasure in the destruction of the wicked (Ezekiel 33:11), and He is not willing that any man should inherit the lake of fire, but that all should come to repentance, (II Peter 3:8-9), Sin cannot go unpunished, (Romans 6:23), unless the blood of a sacrifice is shed, (Leviticus 17:11, Hebrews 9:22), but the Blood of Christ was shed once, (Hebrews 7:27-28, 9:27-28, 10:9-21), so that we may live, and not die, (Romans 6:23, 10:9). No one can enter into the presence of the Holy Father except through Christ, (John 14:6), that is, to enter into the Holiest of Holies which is the presence of God, (Exodus 25:22, 26:31-34, Leviticus 16, Matthew 27:51, Mark 15:38, Luke 23:45, Hebrews 6:19, 9:1-9, 10:19-20). Man can only enter in thanks to the covering Blood of Jesus Christ, (Hebrews 10:19-20). Righteousness was by faith from the beginning, (Genesis 15:6, Psalm 106:31, Romans 4:3), it is not by works (doing good deeds, or by keeping the law) (Ephesians 2:8-9, Galatians 2:21). Along with Christ’s new covenant in His Blood, there was also a need for a new law (Hebrews 7:12), which is, that we would love one another as Christ has loved us, sacrificially (John 13:34). Keeping this law is how we show God that we love Him, and Christ will manifest Himself to those that do (John 14:21). Keeping this law is also how we receive what we ask for (I John 3:22-24), if it is according to God’s Will (I John 5:13-14).

What does it mean to believe on Christ? After all, even the demons believe and tremble (James 2:19). True faith is more like trust, and obedience, read Matthew 7:20-27, and Matthew 25:32-46.

The children of Israel wondered around the desert for 40 years after being liberated from slavery in Egypt. If I remember correctly it could have been an eight-day trek for them. The lesson of the dessert (or any period where things never seem go right or where money is or work is scarce) isn’t to punish, it is to show you first hand that God is your provider and protector. Instead of praying for food or water, Israel blasphemed God and railed against Moses. All they needed to do was to pray. Faith is opening your eyes and allowing God to show you how faithful he is to His Word, and He has promised to provide for you and to keep you. You will likely never know anyone who is abundantly blessed by God in all that they do, who has not first been obedient in faith within the wilderness to turn to God for every need during times of trials that were too great for them. Don’t break down or give up when opposition comes; man’s days are filled with trouble. Instead, pray and let God be faithful to his Word to keep you and provide for you. The unfaithful generation of the children of Israel died in the wilderness, having never seen the promise land, because they refused this lesson. God will only fight a stiff necked, hard-hearted person for so long.

It is death to regard sin in your heart; that is to say, to excuse any sin as “no big deal”, or “It’s just who I am”, but it is life to be broken and pray for strength from God to endure in faith until that sin is broken. Pray for a change of heart toward that sin if it is too embedded in you for you to just walk away from it. God isn’t looking to make you a better person; He’s looking to make you a brand new person, in the image of his Son. Blessing comes from being honest with God when you have fears, doubts and weaknesses, and then praying that He would strengthen the areas where you are weak.

God’s love for you isn’t expressed in words by another human being; it is expressed by Him, specifically and directly to you, in real time, after you turn to him. I can only tell you specifics of the real life expression of His love for me, but only He can tell you of His love for you; it began at the cross, but it does not end there.

He died on the Cross to pay your fine. Only one person can die for your sins; either it is you, if you refuse His sacrifice on your behalf, or it was paid on the cross. And we need to recognize that our sins don’t disappear after a certain amount of time. If a man commits murder, and he is not brought to justice for several decades, and he is now an old man, is he still held guilty? Yes, of course, and your sins are no different. All of your past sins are tied to your sentence, and they will be unless you accept the free gift that Jesus paid for with His very life.

Also, you cannot bribe the Judge with good works. If the murderer goes to trial and shows the judge evidence of all the good things he’s done since the murder, will those good deeds change the verdict? Certainly not. And so our good deeds mean nothing if we are outside of the covering of Christ’s Blood.

A sinner can only die for his or her own sins. Only a sinless man can pay for the sins of all mankind, but only God can live a sinless life. So, God put on human flesh, taking on the form of a servant, which He will wear for eternity, in order to live and die as a man, to pay for the sins of mankind. That’s just the beginning of His love for you, but like I said before, His love doesn’t end at the cross.

Tomorrow isn’t promised to you, many who read this will not die of old age, and I pray that you recognize the severity of refusing the sacrifice of the Son of God. But I also want you to know that no human that has ever lived will even come close to being able to express to you, just how much God loves you; that is something that only He can do. But the first step is kneeling at the cross, and recognizing your sins before a holy God, and accepting His sacrifice as payment of your sins, having faith that His Blood is sufficient to save you. All those who believe on the Lord Jesus and confess Him with their words will be saved.